Three Stages of God's Plan of Management

  • The Church of Almighty God’s followers believe God’s plan of management and the salvation of mankind have been revealed as in three stages which began with the Old Testament period, called the Age of Law; and God’s name was Jehovah. The second stage began with the incarnation of Jesus which was the New Testament period, called the Age of Grace; and God’s name was Jesus. Then, the third stage began with the second incarnation of God in China beginning 1991; and this stage is called the Age of Kingdom; and the name of God is Almighty God.

Clear Thinking Exercises

  • Does the Bible specifically say anything about God’s plan of management?
  • Why is accepting God’s three-stage-plan of management a salvation requirement?
  • What are essential and non-essential doctrines of Christianity? (See Essential and Non-Essential Doctrines)