The Core Beliefs of the Church of Almighty God

In recent years, there are a few western scholars who have written some literature asserting that CAG is true Christianity. Notably, Italian sociologist Massimo Introvigne wrote an article, The Church of Almighty God / Eastern Lightning: 10 False Myths, in which he tries to debunk Myth 9: The Church of Almighty God Is Clearly Not Christian. In this article, Introvigne asserts that deciding who is a Christian is unlike determining who is American or Chinese. When in doubt, a governmental authority can certify a citizen of its country. He argues, “Who is or isn’t a Christian is a theological statement, and there is no universally recognized authority that can certify this status.”[1] Introvigne continues, “different denominations and theologians use different definitions of Christianity, some broad and some very narrow. Catholics until the mid-20th century called Protestants non-Christians. Some fundamentalist Protestants still claim Catholics are not Christians. Who is Christian? Who decides?”[2] Obviously, he does not believe that the sixty-six books of the Bible itself and any Christian organizations individually or collectively have any objective standards to assess whether a newly formed group a true Christian church or not. Perhaps, the Bible is not an authoritative document as a measure of standards to do the job. Remarkably, Introvigne endorses a research done by a religion professor as if she has met the authoritative requirements. He says, “American scholar Holly Folk, who has studied CAG theology, has found in it a number of “Protestant continuities.” As a conclusion, she declared it “a new Christianity with deep Christian roots,” “a real Christianity.””[3]

[1] Massimo Introvigne, “The Church of Almighty God / Eastern Lightning: 10 False Myths,” (Bitter Winter – A Magazine of Religions and Human Rights, April 9, 2019), accessed August 16, 2024.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid.

This website serves as a resource for those who are interested in identifying the true beliefs of the Church of Almighty God

CAG’s Extensive Internet Influential Presence

  1. Multimedia Websites: CAG currently (August 2024) has a total of 72 official websites in 42 languages and operates 50 telephone hotlines over 42 countries for counseling and inquiry. These websites are not simple webpages; most of them are filled with multimedia resources such as feature length movies, devotional videos, short skits, Bible study materials, testimonies, hymns, and recitals, etc. Most of these videos are dubbed or AI generated with native speakers of respective language of each country.
  2. Free eBooks: All these 42 language CAG websites provide free download links to eBooks. For example: Simplified Chinese has 24 eBooks; Traditional Chinese has 24 eBooks; English has 19 eBooks; Korean has 18 eBooks; Spanish has 17 eBooks; Japanese has 12 eBooks; Hebrews has 13 eBooks; Greek has 14 eBooks; Filipino has 16 eBooks; Italian has 17 eBooks; Portuguese has 17 eBooks; Indonesian has 15 eBooks; and so on.
  3. Over 1,000 Facebook Accounts: As of May 10, 2020, there are unofficially over 1,061 Facebook accounts with 27 international languages.
  4. Multimedia Mobile Apps: CAG currently (August 2024) has five English Apps available on smart phones. They are CAG TV, 1991 CAG in Images, CAG Hymns, CAG Lite, and CAG. Both CAG Lite and CAG are designed like mini-websites and can be viewed with 39 languages. Both Apps’ contents include music videos, movies, devotional videos, personal testimonies, news, CAG’s gospel, and eBooks. For example: the Simplified Chinese section has 21 eBooks; the Traditional Chinese section has 21 eBooks; the English section has 20 eBooks; the Korean section has 17 eBooks; the Spanish section has 18 eBooks, and so on.
  5. Social Media Platforms: In addition to its own websites and Facebook accounts, CAG utilizes online Chat, WhatsApp, Messenger, Line, Talk, Viber,, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Skype, TikTok, and YouTube, etc. to spread their messages. When an unsuspected visitor goes online and views one of CAG’s websites, within a few seconds a window pops up and invites the viewer to chat online or connect with a CAG evangelist through Messenger or WhatsApp.
  6. YouTube Videos: CAG uses YouTube channels extensively. It has produced thousands of videos which include award winning movies, short skits, devotional videos, music videos such as church hymns, Christian dance praise songs, kids dance praise songs, and pop music videos, etc. As of August 16, 2024, CAG has over 33 official YouTube channels with approximately 3.6 million subscribers in 33 different languages. CAG’s official English YouTube channel has accumulated over 154 million views with over 901 thousand subscribers. Its playlists contain thousand of videos of daily devotions, movies, short skits, music videos, and variety shows, etc. Spanish is the second most popular CAG YouTube channel. It has accumulated over 140 million views with over 553 thousands subscribers. The third most popular CAG YouTube channel is in Portuguese. It has accumulated over 78 million views with over 366 thousand subscribers. The next four are Hindi: 63 million views with over 350k subscribers, Indonesian: 42 million views with over 295k subscribers, French: 37 million views with over 276k subscribers, and Filipino: 39 million views with over 199k subscribers. The Chinese (Mandarin) YouTube channel, however, has accumulated 94 million views with over 114k subscribers.
  7. Award Winning Movie: CAG’s award winning movie “Where is My Home” has been watched by English viewers over 21 Million times, by Spanish viewers over 22 Million times, and by Portuguese viewers over 14 million times on their respective YouTube channels in the past 6 years.
  8. Non-profit and Tax-exempt: CAG’s presence on the internet has grown exponentially since 2016, the year in which CAG became a non-profit corporation in the State of New York and an IRS approved tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.
  9. Christianity? or Cult?: CAG’s movies, songs, YouTube videos, and websites are labeled or self-identified as Christians on the Internet.
  10. Fruits of Internet Ministries: CAG’s international ministries have been quite effective that 75% – 85% of its new believers other than relatives and friends were converted by ways of social media and multimedia platforms on the internet. (Source: Massimo Introvigne, “Dynamic New Religions in China: Family Networks and the Growth of The Church of Almighty God”, slide 28, accessed August 16, 2024

The Church of Almighty God has a new Bible, "The Word Appears in the Flesh." It is available on Google Play Books for free download in pdf format. Another slightly different pdf file is also available for free download on CAG's websites. CAG also publishes an e-book called "170 Principles of Practicing the Truth." Here are the pdf files linked below for your reference.

Church of Almighty God’s Bible: “The Word Appears in the Flesh” (pdf file downloaded from Google Play Books and linked here for your convenience)

Church of Almighty God’s Bible: “The Word Appears in the Flesh” (pdf file downloaded from Church of Almighty God’s website and linked here for your convenience)

Church of Almighty God’s “170 Principles of Practicing the Truth” (pdf file downloaded from Google Play Books and linked here for your convenience)
